About Us
Ocearns Care Services provides person-centred care and support for individuals who require care in their own homes, in our supported living accommodation and other care settings. We aim to to promote independence, individuality and a committed professional services.
Our mission is to Change the Lives Positively Together. We are committed to work with other specialist professionals, families and service users.
Our vision is to set the standard in healthcare through the unique needs of every individual who uses our services. Ocearns Care Services aims to deliver best service, quality and customer satisfaction in service we provide
- Integrity: We believe and trust in our values, we work as a committed professional team within the confines of the law.
- Trust: We count on and support one another individually and as team members.
- Excellence: We have skilled manpower and always endevor to learn
- Mutual Respect: We embrace diversity and treat one another with dignity and empathy